Monday, June 11, 2012

2012 OSU Women's Clinic

I got to meet this guy on Saturday.


I got to do some other neat stuff, too, but let's face it--that photo was definitely the best part. :)

As an early birthday present, the bestest (THANK YOU ANGIE!!!) got us tickets to the first annual Ohio State Women's Clinic, a charity event hosted by the OSU football staff to benefit the Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

It was a pretty sweet event. :)

We were treated to staff introductions, presentations about offense, defense, and special teams, tours of the Woody Hayes Athletic Center (I sat in the players' locker room, for crying out loud), and then actual drills run outside on the 88-degree turf.

Any OSU fan's dream, in short.

The event itself ran a bit long for me, but I have a feeling that that more to do with the week I just finished as well as my decision not to run drills with this little bean growing inside. Otherwise, GREAT time, and I would highly recommend it to anyone considering attending next year.

Now on to a few cell-phone photos...

Brutus & I in some weird lighting...

Me & Coach Fickel, AKA THE Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet

Gonna be a GREAT game this year...the countdown is ALWAYS on...

LOVE me some Eddie George...

Yup. We don't even acknowledge that team.

Troy Smith's Heisman. *SWOON*

Angie ended the day by chillin' in the players lounge. Need one of those chairs...

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